Articles & Oral Histories
- The Tale of Two Williams, in South Australian Genealogist, November 2023.
- John Nelson Capp (1896-1966), Veteran, Victorian motor dealer pioneer, 2020.
- Captain Edwards and the Australian Volunteer Automobile Corps – a German Spy? in, 2019.
- Andrew Henley’s Logbook – With HMAS Melbourne I in, 2018.
- The Battle for Oakleigh 1888, in Broadway, newsletter of History Monash Inc., 2017.
- On The Werribee: Colonial Volunteer Encampments 1862-1865, in the Victorian Military Society’s Soldiers of the Queen, SOTQ 2015.
- Lions of the Day: The SA Contingent to the QVDJ 1897, SOTQ 2015.
- SportsMed SA: oral histories of the founders and key partners of SportsMed SA for its 25th Anniversary, Adelaide, 2013.
- Ernest William Capuano (1892-1979), Christian soldier, chemist and businessman, 2012.
- Fitzroy Somerset Lanyon Penno (1854 – 1930), the last Imperial Assistant Adjutant-General in Victoria, SOTQ, 2012.
- Sigma Centenary: a series of historical articles 1912-2012, Sigma’s 100 Year Anniversary website, 2012.
- Hill’s Hoists to Hills Industries, an historical timeline 1945-2012 for the corporate foyer, Hill’s Industries, Adelaide, 2012.
- On the Field and In the Field – a history of Australian Army Rugby Union 1912- 2012, a series of historical articles and oral histories of veteran players for the AARU Association website 2012.
- Octavius Skinner Burton, colonial cavalryman and police officer, submitted to The Victorian Historical Journal, 2012 and re-printed in Friends of St Kilda Cemetery newsletter, January 2019.
- William De Passey, horseman, swordsman and Boer War veteran, SOTQ, 2011.
- Thomas Joshua Jackson of Young & Jackson’s Hotel, Provenance, magazine of Public Records Office Victoria, 2011.
- Francis Rawdon Chesney, Chief Military Engineer in Tasmania 1862-1865, SOTQ, 2010, re-printed in Sabretache, Journal of the Military Historical Society of Australia 2011.