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Articles & Oral Histories

  1. The Tale of Two Williams, in South Australian Genealogist, November 2023.
  2. John Nelson Capp (1896-1966), Veteran, Victorian motor dealer pioneer, 2020.
  3. Captain Edwards and the Australian Volunteer Automobile Corps – a German Spy? in, 2019.
  4. Andrew Henley’s Logbook – With HMAS Melbourne I in, 2018.
  5. The Battle for Oakleigh 1888, in Broadway, newsletter of History Monash Inc., 2017.
  6. On The Werribee: Colonial Volunteer Encampments 1862-1865, in the Victorian Military Society’s Soldiers of the Queen, SOTQ 2015.
  7. Lions of the Day: The SA Contingent to the QVDJ 1897, SOTQ 2015.
  8. SportsMed SA: oral histories of the founders and key partners of SportsMed SA for its 25th Anniversary, Adelaide, 2013.
  9. Ernest William Capuano (1892-1979), Christian soldier, chemist and businessman, 2012.
  10. Fitzroy Somerset Lanyon Penno (1854 – 1930), the last Imperial Assistant Adjutant-General in Victoria, SOTQ, 2012.
  11. Sigma Centenary: a series of historical articles 1912-2012, Sigma’s 100 Year Anniversary website, 2012.
  12. Hill’s Hoists to Hills Industries, an historical timeline 1945-2012 for the corporate foyer, Hill’s Industries, Adelaide, 2012.
  13. On the Field and In the Field a history of Australian Army Rugby Union 1912- 2012, a series of historical articles and oral histories of veteran players for the AARU Association website 2012.
  14. Octavius Skinner Burton, colonial cavalryman and police officer, submitted to The Victorian Historical Journal, 2012 and re-printed in Friends of St Kilda Cemetery newsletter, January 2019.
  15. William De Passey, horseman, swordsman and Boer War veteran, SOTQ, 2011.
  16. Thomas Joshua Jackson of Young & Jackson’s Hotel, Provenance, magazine of Public Records Office Victoria, 2011.
  17. Francis Rawdon Chesney, Chief Military Engineer in Tasmania 1862-1865, SOTQ, 2010, re-printed in Sabretache, Journal of the Military Historical Society of Australia 2011.